Irvin B. Shannon

Irvin B. Shannon, founder, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Executive Director of the Harmonious Volunteer Center, A 501c3 Nonprofit, Nonpartisan Pennsylvania Corporation. He has been overseeing the development of this 501C3 Nonprofit, Nonpartisan Pennsylvania Corporation for 20 plus years since 1998 and understands the importance and magnitude of blending personal and professional knowledge to promote the power and possibility of improving the quality of life issues in communities that are disadvantaged and composed of citizens who are disenfranchised. Shannon’s Office designed; tested and implemented a Peer to Peer network training program offered at various local Community Facilities and established self- sustaining programs. Shannon, a proponent of Environmental Education, also recently launched a Statewide Initiative for the reduction of greenhouse gases that affect air quality and climate change. Shannon considers him-self to be a custodian of our Mother Earth and has been taking responsible action to ensure reuse, refurbishing and recycling and has created programs to divert such materials from our landfills while building an alliance with other interested entities throughout the United States. The Office of the Executive Director is undergoing a transformation by employing a Chief Executive Officer who will bring the correlation of technology and best practices. Agnes L. McRavion is assuming the Leadership responsibilities.
The mission of the Harmonious Volunteer Center is “To provide Community Service; Volunteer Training Systems; and Assistance to Community Based Organizations”. This mission encompasses the diverse population of citizens who compose our society. The organization has been self-reliant with limited financial resources, that has been, making a dramatic and effective impact. Grassroots Connections to Technology

was one program that integrated inter-generational learning to help with the closing of the digital divide while improving academic skills all made possible from the in-kind donations of computers and electronics which were diverted from the landfills.
The HVC Shoe Drive Campaign which is beginning to gain national attention is intended impact 350 million citizens who are being educated about reuse-refurbishing – and recycling while creating employment opportunities for individuals seeking work. Shannon’s 77 years of diversified experiences offers knowledge and know-how and he uses the “Leadership By Example” approach in his Professional Development and Employee Training programs which prepares future leaders in this sector.
Shannon is a quiet, gentle, humble individual who states “We are not fancy, just effective” which is demonstrated by the thousands of lives he and his organization has reached. The Harmonious Volunteer Center’s headquarters are based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with mailing address of Post Office Box 50463, Philadelphia, PA 19132. Website: Email Address: Telephone: 267-595-5278.
The city of Philadelphia is a model. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is a template
Shannon’s 40 week Job Preparation and Training Program
provides on-the-job, hands on experience for participating individuals. Candidates start as volunteers receiving a stipends based upon productivity during first 8 week phase. Second phase of training places candidates into paid volunteer position as an HVC Outreach Specialist. At the conclusion of the third phase the candidate will have achieved the position of an HVC ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION AMBASSADOR earning $100,000.00

The Harmonious Volunteer Center is expanding it’s HVC Shoe Drive Campaign and making preparations to travel from City to City in Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey. Announcements will be made to advise citizens of Days / Times / and Locations of Shoe Collection Events. Starting in September 2018 the HVC Shoe Drive Caravan will be at various locations in Philadelphia, PA Requests for the HVC Shoe Drive Campaign to come to your city are taken at email:

The Harmonious Volunteer Center, Talent Bank is seeking Entertainers which include singers, musicians, models, comedians, dancers, graphic arts, toast masters and masters or mistresses of ceremonies. Apply directly to the Executive Director, Irvin B. Shannon. Contact telephone: 267-595-5278 or email: Auditions are conducted weekly on Saturday and Sunday by appointment. The opportunity being offered is for public exposure and personal development if required. This is an immediate request for all Entertainers and you are welcomed to spread the word. Entertainers will be performing at various venues for our HVC Bus Club Members and other public audiences.

Requirements to become a member of the Harmonious Volunteer Center This document supersedes all previous documents and becomes effective as of November 1, 2018.
Be It Known By All Men;
From the Office of the Executive Director, Irvin B. Shannon and the Office of the Chief Executive Officer, Agnes L. McRavion
It is now required that all individuals obtain the following credentials to be verified by HVC management office.
* [ ] Library Card *[ ] Child Abuse Clearance *[ ] Criminal Background Check *[ ] State ID / Birth Certificate / Passport *[ ] Social Security Card *[ ] HVC Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Once completed the candidate is eligible to become a volunteer with the Harmonious Volunteer Center and then qualifies to meet with the following conditions: All persons in training upon completing the above requirements are eligible for:
a. Membership in HVC Food Cooperative. b. Registered HVC Membership. c. Listing at our HVC Website. d. Designated Title “HVC Outreach Specialist. e. Enrollment into 40 week Professional Development and Employee Training program to become an HVC Environmental Education Ambassador.
Agnes L. McRavion

The Office of the Chief Executive Officer will be administering information concerning operational management at the local level.
Lisa Richardson

HVC Outreach Specialist
The Office of the Executive Director is now interviewing individuals who are interested in spare time / part time / full time work experiences as Shoe Collectors and Outreach Specialists for the HVC Shoe Drive Campaign which is expanding into Statewide coverage. Philadelphia residents apply by Email to: *267-595-5278 Facilitator: Irvin B. Shannon.
The HVC Goal for 2019 is to raise 18 million pair of shoes. We now have offices in Johnstown, Pa; Mt. Vernon, NY; Liberty, SC; Easley, SC; Philadelphia, PA; Wilmington, DE; and Camden, NJ; Laurel, MD; Montgomery County, PA;
Shoe Collectors
for the Harmonious Volunteer Center can earn $25.00… $50.00… up to $100.00 in one day.
*The Job is: Accepting and obtaining shoes
*Age requirements: 18 and older
*Physical requirements: None
*Methods Used: Various such as – High Traffic Locations – Drop Off Locations – Block to Block, Special Events – 3K/5K Walks, etc..
Interested Person(s) may apply in person at the following locations / Day / Times. Resume is helpful but not required. High School Diploma not required. Background not required. Physically Challenged is acceptable.
Jobs being created by HVC 2016-2017-2018
These are Part Time Jobs with Flexible Work Hours and Days and they are available for immediate start for selected candidates and interested persons.
Landscaper and Grounds Keeper $5,200.00 $100.00 Wkly 10 hours
Facility Custodian and House Keeper $5,200.00 $100.00 Wkly 10 hours
Office Administrator $5,200.00 $100.00 Wkly 10 hours
Office Administrator Assistant $5,200.00 $100.00 Wkly 10 hours
Shoe Drive Collector Independent $5,200.00 $100.00 Wkly 10 hours
Shoe Drive Collector Mobile Table $5,200.00 $100.00 Wkly 10 hours
Shoe Drive Collector Shoe Drop Locations $10,400.00 $200.00 Wkly 20 hours
Shoe Drive Collector Spokesperson $5,200.00 $100.00 Wkly 10 hours
Material Handler $5,200.00 $100.00 Wkly 10 hours
Warehouse Processor $5,200.00 $100.00 Wkly 10 hours
Inventory Manager $5,200.00 $100.00 Wkly 10 hours
Literature Circulation Specialist $5,200.00 $100.00 Wkly 10 hours
Radio/ TV Talk Show Host $5,200.00 $100.00 Wkly 10 hours
Talent Coordinator for Special Events $5,200.00 $100.00 Wkly 10 hours
Security $5,200.00 $100.00 Wkly 10 hours
Security/Facility Receptionist $5,200.00 $100.00 Wkly 10 hours
Special Events Coordinator $5,200.00 $100.00 Wkly 10 hours

PRESS RELEASE – September 1, 2017
Harmonious Volunteer Center -Authority: Office of the Executive Director, Irvin B. Shannon – Post Office Box 50463,
Philadelphia, PA 19132 Telephone: 267-595-5278 Email: is not just digital information. We are Real people working in real time with real situations to bring about social changes within our community. The impact that is being made by the Harmonious Volunteer Center is reaching thousands upon thousands of citizens with measurable outcomes. 20 plus years of organizational development has laid a foundation of providing community service; volunteer training systems; and assistance to community based organizations which is our MISSION. What we seek to express in this message to the public is the importance of volunteerism, charitable giving, and the development of collaborative groups working toward common goals to improve the “quality of life” issues within our society.
The Harmonious Volunteer Center has been innovative with establishing working system designs that can be reproduced, implemented and utilized by the nonprofit community; business community; and civic community. These designs affect the population from birth to death and cross all disciplines of commerce, education, and government. We have designated our involvement for the improvement of our society as a “Healthy Community Concept” which is all inclusive of the multiple concerns that we have as citizens. These concerns are taking place at the same time and space in our lives and as such will be no easy task to solve each one at the same time, however, through open transparent communications and honest discussions we are approaching collaborative input resulting in sound planning processes that brings our collective efforts to equitable conclusions. As we all agree to the pros and cons of these given situations, we allow ourselves to develop relationships in harmony with one another and thus the Harmonious Volunteer Center has become self reliant and self sufficient in being a conduit for effective resources on behalf of participating nonprofits, businesses, civic and government agencies and the individuals we serve. All volunteers at the Harmonious Volunteer Center take a particular pride in achievements that have been accomplished over the years and even more pride at the creative inclusion representing the vision of our social future. It would give our organization great pleasure to name names of those who have been recipients of our volunteer efforts, however, we will recommend that you visit our website for additional information:
Is our story one of human interest in America today. You bet it is, because we are Grassroots (individuals) who are making change not only in our best interest, but also at the request of the President of the United States of America and all of our elected representatives who we hold accountable for our best interest as citizens.
Welfare to Work Reform – National Sports Tournaments – Community Events – Educational Advantages – Volunteerism – Humanitarian Assistance – Economic Development – Successful Urban Models – Job Readiness and Skill Training – Financial Literacy – Positive Youth Engagement Activities – Turn key Employment – Technology Advancements – Veteran’s Resource Exchange – Crime Reduction all being provided by the Harmonious Volunteer Center which is representative of the citizens of the United States of America who are makers of change in our society. Contact: 267-595-5278 Email: Irvin B. Shannon, Executive Director
An Overview of the Harmonious Volunteer Center lies in our day-to-day work to fulfill our Mission of “Providing Community Service” which in our perception is people helping people; Providing Volunteer Training Systems which in our perception is our ability to be as professional as we can be without changing who we are and offer our methods to others; and Assistance To Community Based Organizations which in our perception is to offer whatever resources we can to help others do good works in their areas and with their targeted groups.
Irvin B. Shannon
Post Office Box 50463, Philadelphia, PA 19132
Telephone: 267-595-5278 Email: Website:
Objective: To develop a major Nonprofit Corporation that provides Community Service; Volunteer Training Systems; and Assistance To Community Based Organizations on a National Scale.
1959 Edison Technical, Vocational, Commercial High School, Mt. Vernon, New York 10550 Diploma-Radio Engineering
1960 Essex College of Business, 1019 Broad Street, Newark, New Jersey 2-1/2 years Court Reporting
1965 United States Air Force Inventory Management Technical School,
1969 Trans World Airlines Customer Service Training, Laguardia Airport, Flushing, New York-Customer Service
1973 Businessmen Clearing House, Chicago, Illinois, Employment Specialist
1980 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Labor, Unemployment Division, Intermittent Intake Interviewer
1996 Metro Public Adjusters, Bensalem, Pennsylvania, Licensed Public Insurance Adjuster
1996 MarRon Caterers, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Assistant Business Manager
1998 to Current Harmonious Volunteer Center, Executive Director
Awards, Fellowships, Grants:
2000 *W.E. Martin Productions, Man of the Year Award,
2001 *West Chestnut Street Educational Institute, Five Star Achievement Award
2011 *Public School Notebook, Award for Distribution Services Award
2013 *Philly Rising Community Hero Award
Positions Held:
1998 to Current Executive Director, Harmonious Volunteer Center
1998 to Present Advisory Board Member, East Parkside Residents Association
1999 to Present Advisory Board Member, United Block Captain’s Association
2000 to Present Alumni Member Civilian Philadelphia Police Academy
2013 to Present Equal Dollars Community Currency Program Volunteer Administrator
2017 to Present Member, National Association of Nonprofit Organizational Executives
Carolyn Harris, Executive Director, West Chestnut Street Educational Institute, 6027 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19139
Additional References available upon request.
1. Our mission statement is: “The Harmonious Volunteer Center provides “Community Service; Volunteer Training Systems; and Assistance To Community Based Organizations”.
2. Our perception (Community Service) is neighbor helping neighbor and our organization is available to anyone in the country who makes written request for assistance. We will do what we can, with what we have, and make no promises to anyone.
3. Our perception (Volunteer Training Systems) We have the desire to produce the best qualified volunteer within our organization in order meet with whatever the situation may be, therefore, we train all of our volunteers concerning our policies, procedures, methods, etc.
4. Our perception (Assistance To Community Based Organizations) Community Based Organizations and nonprofit organizations have requested our assistance on many occasions and we have been able to comply, however, when assisting other organizations, it may be necessary for the volunteers of the HVC to comply with their rules, regulations, etc. We bring additional resources and meet with the needs and or desires of other organizations.
The Harmonious Volunteer Center works to assist community based organizations with projects that work toward the achievement of peaceful, just and equitable relationships among people. Our organization believes that being strongly rooted in local communities will bring about the change in values needed to establish a more just and peaceful world. Our organization works with the importance of building movements to create systemic social change and the transformation of society. We recognize young people’s ability to reshape our society athletically, educationally, and culturally as a vital force in the transformation of society.
Our organization is committed to supporting organizations and projects that recognize an appreciation of both the diversity and unity of the human family. While the Harmonious Volunteer Center strives to build equitable relationships-with our fellow human beings and with the natural environment of organization becomes creative in finding needed solutions to critical issues within our common society.
Evidence that some of the institutional and structural causes of injustice, whether physical, social or economic remain largely intact. These causes have created increasing incidences of violent crimes, increasing poverty and unemployment. It is our challenge in locating those causes and developing community based alternatives that promote a more just, nonviolent society which is at the heart of our commitment to serve.
To bring about positive and progressive actions necessary for immediate change, the Harmonious Volunteer Center introduces the BUILDING OF COMMUNITY CENTERS IN UNDER-SERVED NEIGHBORHOODS by creating NEW (State of the Arts) COMMUNITY CENTERS in urban settings that can serve a large population and have a meaningful impact upon the lives of the participants. OUR MISSION is to “PROVIDE COMMUNITY SERVICE; VOLUNTEER TRAINING SYSTEMS; AND ASSISTANCE TO COMMUNITY BASED ORGANIZATIONS”.
Our organization’s interest in working with the building of a new community center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania which is estimated to cost approximately three million dollars which means this would accommodate the constructional costs as well as the creation of a minimum of twenty paid volunteer positions. The results of the efforts will produce accommodations of services and programs that impacts 500,000 up to 1,000,000 citizens directly with residual effects as well. This effort includes: planning, one time construction costs, paid staffing for ten years, and facility maintenance costs.